Prep Com for the Chapter

62/1 Meekanuwa Road
Ampitiya (KY) 20120

RE: 2008 Foundation Chapter

20th October 2007

Friars Minor
Franciscan Foundation of
Blessed Joseph Vaz
Sri Lanka

Dear Brothers:

Peace and every blessing!

Last Sunday, the 14th of this month, we the members of the Preparatory Committee for the 2008 Foundation Chapter, Sebastian Logu, Prabath Krishanta and I, met. We want to present to you some proposals and questions towards preparing the Foundation for such an important event.

1. Pre-Chapter Sessions

We propose that we have three pre-Chapter sessions, so that the Chapter itself can become more focused:

1.1 An evaluation of the past triennium through an updating of the SWOT analysis done last year and a review of the proposed directions of the Foundation.

1.2 Introduction of the Hall/Tonna Values Technology into the Foundation, so as to align each individual values or the group’s values with the organisational values of the Foundation (cf. Brochure anent issue).

1.3 Situating the Foundation in the politico-economic and religio-cultural matrix of Sri Lanka.

2. Proposed Chapter Agenda

Besides the Foundation President Report and the Provincial Visitation Report, we are making the following proposals as Chapter Agenda:

2.1 Strategic Planning, which is a consequence of 1.1 – 1.3 above. We need to plan well our commonly accepted directions and commitments.

2.1.1 Internationalisation of the Foundation (which had already been discussed in last year’s evaluation and approved by the recent Provincial Chapter;
2.1.2 Koslanda Project;
2.1.3 Fraternity in the North/Northeast;
2.1.4 A post-novitiate house with apostolic/missionary endeavours.

2.2 Systematisation of the Foundation’s Financial Operations

2.3 Thalangama Parish vis-à-vis the Foundation

2.4 Preparations for Elections

3. Postponed Date of the 2008 Foundation Chapter

We also want to suggest that our Chapter take place during Easter Week (Easter Monday to Easter Friday, 24-28 March 2008) at Thalangama with a community outing in the following week.

Thus, in connection with these, may we request you to answer the enclosed questionnaire and send it to us as soon as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Yours fraternally,

For the 2008 Foundation Chapter PrepCom: Bienvenido Q. Baisas ofm

Encl. a/s